PSTAT197B/CMPSC190DE Winter 2023
make original contributions on your research topic;
develop domain expertise in your project area(s);
develop and practice communicating research outcomes to diverse audiences;
improve collaboration and teamwork skills;
advance your career development;
produce a strong work sample for your professional portfolio
1 weekly class meeting, usually Mondays, except Wednesday meetings weeks 2 and 7 (MLK and Prez days)
1 weekly team meeting, scheduled at a time of your choice
optional but highly recommended: second team meeting or working session without advisors
few class assignments each term:
one short presentation
mid-term peer review
summative deliverable at end of term
weekly time commitment: 12h = 2h in meetings + 10h on projects
engage fully in project work, with some accountability:
draft, sign, and adhere to a team contract
take on one pre-defined organizational role in your team
participate in peer reviews once per quarter
You’ll take on one of the following roles:
meeting organizer
repository and data manager
for five-person teams, equity manager
Each quarter you’ll evaluate yourself/teammates on the extent to which you/they achieved the following:
Class meetings will be run like a seminar: we’ll rotate through the project teams, with two teams presenting each meeting.
~30min available per team, but budget time for discussion
currently in alphabetical order, but can swap by mutual agreement
to prepare: 10-ish slides and 1-2 page handout
further guidelines TBA
attendance record and class assignments;
end-of-term advisor assessments of individual participation and contributions;
instructor assessments of in-class presentations and poster;
peer reviews and end-of-term individual reflections.
Schedule an initial meeting for week 2. Can recommend: Slack channel + [when2meet].
Suggested agenda:
introductions (15m):
name, position/background, fun fact
something exciting about the project
project intro (20m)
have sponsor tell you about the project in detail in their own words
focus on the big picture, ask questions
data access and logistics (10m)
action items (10m)
determine what actions will be taken before the next meeting
assign responsibility for each action
Motivational statement due Friday 1/20 11:59pm PST. Take some time to write a paragraph or two in response to the following prompts:
Why are you participating in the capstone? What attracted you to the opportunity in the first place and how does it relate to your goals for your undergraduate education?
What do you hope to get out of the experience? Why is that important to you?
Submit via Google form
Team contracts due Friday 1/27 11:59pm PST. See template.