Results from claims assignment

PSTAT197A/CMPSC190DD Fall 2022

Trevor Ruiz


Today’s agenda

  1. Review results of claims assignment
  2. Discuss vignette guidelines
  3. Remaining time to organize in groups


My goal here is to use the results of your work on the last assignment to learn as a group what worked well and what didn’t.

As a disclaimer, many groups did not successfully generate predictions according to instructions. This is okay.

My goal is not to judge anyone based on results or having completed the assignment.

Accessing claims predictions

Results from the last assignment are now available online.


github_url <- ""


evals %>% head()
# A tibble: 6 × 2
  group eval            
  <int> <list>          
1     1 <smplErrr>      
2     2 <tibble [6 × 5]>
3     3 <tibble [6 × 5]>
4     4 <rlng_rrr>      
5     5 <tibble [6 × 5]>
6     6 <rlng_rrr>      

Checking errors: example

evals %>%
  filter(group == 4) %>%
Error in `metric_set()`:
! Failed to compute `sensitivity()`.
Caused by error in `dplyr::summarise()`:
! Problem while computing `.estimate = metric_fn(...)`.
  1. tibble(group = 1:15) %>% ...
 15. yardstick (local) panel(., truth = mclass, estimate = mclass.pred, estimator = "macro")
 16. base::mapply(...)
 17. yardstick (local) `<fn>`(dots[[1L]][[1L]], dots[[2L]][[1L]])
Caused by error in `multiclass_checks()`:
! `truth` and `estimate` levels must be equivalent.
`truth`: N/A: No relevant content., Physical Activity, Possible Fatality, Potentially unlawful activity, Other claim content
`estimate`: N/A: No relevant content., Other claim content, Physical Activity, Possible Fatality, Potentially unlawful activity
  1. tibble(group = 1:15) %>% ...
 34. yardstick (local) metric_fn(...)
 35. yardstick::metric_vec_template(...)
 36. yardstick:::validate_truth_estimate_checks(...)
 38. yardstick:::validate_truth_estimate_types.factor(...)
 40. yardstick:::multiclass_checks.factor(truth, estimate)


accuracies <- evals %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  filter(is_tibble(eval)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%

accuracies %>% head(8) %>% knitr::kable()
group .metric .estimator .estimate class n
2 sensitivity macro 0.8081203 multiclass 99
2 specificity macro 0.9370310 multiclass 99
2 accuracy multiclass 0.8181818 multiclass 99
2 sensitivity binary 0.8431373 binary 99
2 specificity binary 0.8750000 binary 99
2 accuracy binary 0.8585859 binary 99
3 sensitivity macro 0.2058975 multiclass 828
3 specificity macro 0.8035735 multiclass 828


Vignette guidelines

Let’s review as a group.