Spatial prediction

PSTAT197A/CMPSC190DD Fall 2022

Trevor Ruiz



  • I am away Thursday; no class meeting due to strike

  • Students in the 4pm section should attend Josh or Erika’s section this week

  • Next week (Thanksgiving):

    • we are meeting Tuesday

    • but there are no Wednesday section meetings on 11/23

  • You should start working on your last group assignment before Thanksgiving

Final group assignment

  • groups posted [here]

  • task: create a method vignette on a data science topic or theme

    • goal: create a reference that you or someone else might use as a starting point next term

    • deliverable: public repository in the pstat197 workspace

Possible vignette topics

  • clustering methods

  • neural net architecture(s) for … [images, text, time series, spatial data]

  • configuring a database and writing queries in R

  • analysis of network data

  • numerical optimization

  • bootstrapping

  • geospatial data structures

  • anomaly detection

  • functional regression


Your repository should contain:

  1. A brief .README summarizing repo content and listing the best references on your topic for a user to consult after reviewing your vignette if they wish to learn more
  2. A primary vignette document that explains methods and walks through implementation line-by-line (similar to an in-class or lab activity)
  3. At least one example dataset
  4. A script containing commented codes appearing in the vignette


  • let me know your topic by end of day Thursday 11/17

  • I will confirm by end of day Friday 11/18

  • make a start before Thanksgiving

  • present a draft in class Thursday 12/1

  • finalize repository by Thursday 12/8


You’ll need to yourself learn about the topic and implementation by finding reference materials and code examples.

It is okay to borrow closely from other vignettes in creating your own, but you should:

  • cite them

  • use different data

  • do something new

It is not okay to make a collage of reference materials by copying verbatim, or simply rewrite an existing vignette.

  • the best safeguard against this is to find your own data so you’re forced to translate codes/steps to apply in your particular case

  • we’ll do a brief search and skim your references to ensure sufficient originality

Wrapping up soil temp forecasting

From last time

We had fit the site-specific model:

\[ \begin{aligned} Y_{i, t} &= f_i (t) + \epsilon_{i, t} \quad\text{(nonlinear regression)} \\ \epsilon_{i, t} &= \sum_{d = 1}^D \alpha_{i,d}\epsilon_{i, t - d} + \xi_{i, t} \quad\text{(AR(D) errors)} \end{aligned} \]

And computed forecasts \(\hat{Y}_{i, t+ 1} = \mathbb{E}(Y_{i, t + 1}|Y_{i, t})\)

Fitting and forecasts for one site

# data partitioning
site15 <- soil %>% 
  dplyr::select(-year, -elev) %>%
  filter(site == soil$site[15]) %>%

train <- site15 %>%
  filter(date < ymd('2018-06-01'))

test <- site15 %>%
  filter(date >= ymd('2018-06-01'))

train %>% head()
# A tibble: 6 × 7
  site     day date        temp longitude latitude elevation
  <chr>  <dbl> <date>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
1 B21K-1   226 2017-08-14  3.82     -155.     69.6        96
2 B21K-1   227 2017-08-15  3.72     -155.     69.6        96
3 B21K-1   228 2017-08-16  3.31     -155.     69.6        96
4 B21K-1   229 2017-08-17  4.95     -155.     69.6        96
5 B21K-1   230 2017-08-18  5.46     -155.     69.6        96
6 B21K-1   231 2017-08-19  5.80     -155.     69.6        96
x_train <- pull(train, day) %>% 
  fourier(nbasis = 4, period = 365)
y_train <- pull(train, temp)

fit <- Arima(y_train, 
      order = c(2, 0, 0), 
      xreg = x_train, 
      include.mean = F,
      method = 'ML')

Series: y_train 
Regression with ARIMA(2,0,0) errors 

         ar1      ar2     const      sin1       cos1     sin2     cos2
      1.4200  -0.5192  -97.0613  -88.1952  -113.2035  -8.7344   5.5794
s.e.  0.0497   0.0497   11.5069    9.0469    13.2328   9.5149  12.0896

sigma^2 = 0.7837:  log likelihood = -375.26
AIC=766.52   AICc=767.03   BIC=795.9
x_test <- pull(test, day) %>% 
  fourier(nbasis = 4, period = 365)

preds <- forecast(fit, h = nrow(x_test), xreg = x_test)

Time Series:
Start = 292 
End = 297 
Frequency = 1 
[1] -0.2837326 -0.1614655 -0.0189233  0.1355583  0.2962263  0.4592358

Now for many sites

Remember the functional programming iteration strategy?

# A tibble: 26 × 5
   site   train              test               fit        pred      
   <chr>  <list>             <list>             <list>     <list>    
 1 C27K-1 <tibble [485 × 3]> <tibble [78 × 3]>  <fr_ARIMA> <forecast>
 2 F24K-1 <tibble [485 × 3]> <tibble [54 × 3]>  <fr_ARIMA> <forecast>
 3 G25K-2 <tibble [485 × 3]> <tibble [24 × 3]>  <fr_ARIMA> <forecast>
 4 G26K-2 <tibble [485 × 3]> <tibble [69 × 3]>  <fr_ARIMA> <forecast>
 5 G27K-3 <tibble [485 × 3]> <tibble [76 × 3]>  <fr_ARIMA> <forecast>
 6 M17K-2 <tibble [358 × 3]> <tibble [338 × 3]> <fr_ARIMA> <forecast>
 7 M18K-5 <tibble [357 × 3]> <tibble [382 × 3]> <fr_ARIMA> <forecast>
 8 M16K-2 <tibble [354 × 3]> <tibble [323 × 3]> <fr_ARIMA> <forecast>
 9 N17K-3 <tibble [353 × 3]> <tibble [357 × 3]> <fr_ARIMA> <forecast>
10 L16K-1 <tibble [352 × 3]> <tibble [386 × 3]> <fr_ARIMA> <forecast>
# … with 16 more rows

Spatial prediction

We could consider our data to be more explicitly spatial:

\[ Y_{i, t} = Y_t(s_i) \qquad\text{where}\qquad s_i = \text{location of site }i \]

In other words, our data at a given time are a realization of a spatial process \(Y(s)\) observed at locations \(s_1, \dots, s_n\).

Can we predict \(Y(s_{n + 1})\) based on \(Y(s_1), \dots, Y(s_n)\)?


Tobler’s first law of geography:

“everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things”

So a weighted average of some kind makes sense for spatial prediction

\[ \hat{Y}(s) = \sum_i w_i Y(s_i) \]

where the weights \(w_i\) are larger for \(s_i\) closer to \(s\).

Inverse distance weighting

A simple and fully nonparametric method of spatial prediction is to set \(w_i \propto 1/d(s, s_i)\) where \(d\) is a distance measure.

Inverse distance weighting does just that, for powers of distance:

\[ \hat{Y}(s) = \sum_i c \times d(s, s_i)^{-p} \times Y(s_i) \]

Where \(c\) is the normalizing constant \(1/\sum_i d(s, s_i)^{-p}\).

Power parameter

The power parameter \(p\) controls the rate of weight decay with distance:

\[ w_i \propto \frac{1}{d(s, s_i)^p} \]


Spatial interpolation refers to ‘filling in’ values between observed locations.

  1. Generate a spatial mesh of with centers \(g_1, g_2, \dots, g_m\)
  2. Predict \(\hat{Y}(g_j)\) for every center \(g_j\)
  3. Make a raster plot


For spatial problems, a mesh is a mutually exclusive partitioning of an area into subregions. Subregions could be regular (e.g., squares, polygons) or irregular (try googling ‘Voronoi tesselation’).

Map of locations

Earlier, I fit models and generated forecasts for 26 sites chosen largely based on having overlapping observation windows.


I also truncated the training data to stop on the same date (April 30, 2018). So we can plot point forecasts for May 1.

Interpolations using IDW

So interpolating between forecasts yields spatial forecasts.

Effect of IDW parameter \(p\)

The power parameter \(p\) controls the rate of decay of interpolation weight \(w_i\) with distance.


  • Choosing \(p\) can be done based on optimizing predictions or by hand.

  • Uncertainty quantification?

    • usually, could use variance of weighted average

    • but also tricky in this case because we are interpolating forecasts, which themselves have some associated uncertainty