Building a forecasting model

PSTAT197A/CMPSC190DD Fall 2022

Trevor Ruiz


From last time

  • Pooled data from all sites with at least a year of continuous observation between 2017 and 2020 at 0.2m depth

  • Modeled seasonal trend based on elevation and day of the year using curve fitting techniques

Seasonal trend model

From last time: using 4 Fourier bases and elevation.

\(Y_{i, t} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \text{elev}_i + \sum_{j = 1}^4 \gamma_j \phi_j(t) + \epsilon_{i, t}\)

A small adjustment

Adding elevation x seasonality interaction terms.

\(Y_{i, t} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \text{elev}_i + \sum_{j = 1}^4 \left(\gamma_j \phi_j(t) + \color{maroon}{\delta_j \text{elev}\times\phi_j(t)}\right) + \epsilon_{i, t}\)

Seasonal forecast

Seasonal forecasts ignore recent data.

10-day forecast based on seasonal mean only.

Forecasting error

This leads to greater error.

Seasonal forecast vs. observed temperature.

A better forecast

Idea: the present temperature at time \(t\) contains useful information about the expected temperature at time \(t + 1\).

Our model for site \(i\) at time \(t\) is:

\[ \underbrace{Y_{i, t}}_{\text{temperature}} = \underbrace{\mu(i, t)}_{\text{seasonal mean}} + \underbrace{\epsilon_{i, t}}_{\text{random deviation}} \]

The conditional mean forecast \(\mathbb{E}(Y_{i, t + 1}| Y_{i, t})\) should be better than the seasonal forecast \(\mathbb{E}Y_{i, t + 1} = \mu(i, t + 1)\)

… because it incorporates information about the recent past.

Conditional mean forecast

The conditional mean of the next temp given the present is:

\[ \begin{aligned} \mathbb{E}(Y_{i, t + 1}|Y_{i, t} = y_{i, t}) &= \mathbb{E}[\underbrace{\mu(i, t + 1)}_{\text{nonrandom}}|Y_{i, t} = y_{i, t}] + \mathbb{E}(\epsilon_{i, t + 1}|Y_{i, t} = y_{i, t}) \\\\ &= \mu(i, t + 1) + \mathbb{E}(\epsilon_{i, t + 1}|\epsilon_{i, t} = \underbrace{y_{i, t} - \mu(i, t)}_{\text{residual}}) \\\\ &= \underbrace{\mu(i, t + 1)}_{\text{seasonal forecast}} + \underbrace{\mathbb{E}(\epsilon_{i, t + 1}|\epsilon_{i, t} = e_{i, t})}_{\text{forecasted deviation}} \end{aligned} \]

Modeling the residuals

To forecast the deviation from the seasonal mean, we should model the residuals.

\[ e_{i, t} = Y_{i, t} - \hat{\mu}(i, t) \qquad\text{(residual)} \]

Residual autocorrelation

Residual vs. lagged residual.

Residuals are strongly correlated with their immediately previous value.

This is called autocorrelation (think: self-correlation).

An intuitive approach: SLR

(1) Lag the residuals: \(\texttt{resid} = e_{i, t}\) and \(\texttt{resid.lag} = e_{i, t - 1}\)

# A tibble: 6 × 5
# Groups:   site [1]
  site   date        temp resid resid.lag
  <chr>  <date>     <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>
1 B21K-1 2017-08-15  3.72 -6.18     -6.14
2 B21K-1 2017-08-16  3.31 -6.52     -6.18
3 B21K-1 2017-08-17  4.95 -4.81     -6.52
4 B21K-1 2017-08-18  5.46 -4.24     -4.81
5 B21K-1 2017-08-19  5.80 -3.82     -4.24
6 B21K-1 2017-08-20  5.68 -3.87     -3.82

(2) Fit SLR at one time lag: \(e_{i, t} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 e_{i, t - 1} + \xi_{i, t}\).

fit_resid <- lm(resid ~ resid.lag - 1, data = resid_df)

Computing one-step forecasts

\(\texttt{pred.mean} = \hat{\mu}(i, t)\)

# A tibble: 6 × 4
  date        elev  temp pred.mean
  <date>     <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>
1 2019-03-12   396 -2.85     -6.83
2 2019-03-13   396 -2.86     -6.76
3 2019-03-14   396 -2.92     -6.69
4 2019-03-15   396 -3.16     -6.62
5 2019-03-16   396 -3.34     -6.55
6 2019-03-17   396 -3.28     -6.47

\(\texttt{pred.resid} = \hat{e}_{i, t} = \mathbb{E}(e_{i, t}|e_{i, t - 1})\)

# A tibble: 6 × 6
  date        elev  temp pred.mean resid pred.resid
  <date>     <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl>
1 2019-03-12   396 -2.85     -6.83  3.98      NA   
2 2019-03-13   396 -2.86     -6.76  3.90       3.90
3 2019-03-14   396 -2.92     -6.69  3.77       3.83
4 2019-03-15   396 -3.16     -6.62  3.46       3.69
5 2019-03-16   396 -3.34     -6.55  3.20       3.39
6 2019-03-17   396 -3.28     -6.47  3.18       3.14

\(\texttt{pred} = \texttt{pred.mean} + \texttt{pred.resid} = \hat{\mu}(i, t) + \hat{e}_{i, t}\)

# A tibble: 6 × 7
  date        elev  temp pred.mean resid pred.resid  pred
  <date>     <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl> <dbl>
1 2019-03-12   396 -2.85     -6.83  3.98      NA    NA   
2 2019-03-13   396 -2.86     -6.76  3.90       3.90 -2.86
3 2019-03-14   396 -2.92     -6.69  3.77       3.83 -2.86
4 2019-03-15   396 -3.16     -6.62  3.46       3.69 -2.93
5 2019-03-16   396 -3.34     -6.55  3.20       3.39 -3.15
6 2019-03-17   396 -3.28     -6.47  3.18       3.14 -3.33

One-step forecasts

Seasonal forecast (blue curve), residual forecasts (red lines), one-step forecasts (dotted line), and observed temperatures (solid black line).

Forecasting error

One the site we’ve been examining, the one-step forecasting error is:

.metric .estimator .estimate
ccc standard 0.9981049
msd standard 0.0536997
rmse standard 0.3494716
  • ccc is the concordance correlation coefficient

  • msd is the mean signed deviation

  • rmse is the root mean squared error

Average forecasting error across sites

Means and standard deviations across all 29 sites of error metrics for one-step forecasts computed across entire observation window:

.metric average sd min max n
ccc 0.9949698 0.0032392 0.9869467 0.9993684 29
msd -0.0062058 0.0510766 0.0005584 0.1186212 29
rmse 0.6460647 0.3593531 0.1801040 1.4875005 29

One-step forecasts (mathematically)

The one-step forecasts are the predicted conditional means at the next time step given the present :

\[ \hat{Y}_{i, t} = \mathbb{E}(Y_{i, t + 1}|Y_{i, t} = \color{blue}{y_{i, t}}) \]

Conditional expectation gives optimal prediction under squared error loss (assuming the model is correct).

According to our model:

\[ \hat{Y}_{i, t + 1} = \hat{\mu}(i, t + 1) + \hat{\alpha}_0 + \hat{\alpha}_1 \left(\color{blue}{y_{i, t}} - \hat{\mu}(i, t)\right) \]

Multi-step forecasts

Multistep forecasts must be computed recursively:

\[ \begin{aligned} \color{maroon}{\hat{Y}_{i, t + 1}} &= \mathbb{E}(Y_{i, t + 1}|Y_{i, t} = y_{i, t}) \\ \color{teal}{\hat{Y}_{i, t + 2}} &= \mathbb{E}(Y_{i, t + 2}|Y_{i, t + 1} = \color{maroon}{\hat{Y}_{i, t + 1}}) \\ \hat{Y}_{i, t + 3} &= \mathbb{E}(Y_{i, t + 3}|Y_{i, t + 2} = \color{teal}{\hat{Y}_{i, t + 2}}) \\ &\vdots \end{aligned} \]

What do you think will happen the farther out we forecast??

Multistep forecasts on one site


This approach pooled data across sites to estimate model quantities.

  • seasonal mean (using Fourier basis approximation)

  • residual autocorrelation at one lag (using SLR)

Works pretty well for one-step forecasts; not very well for longer-term forecasts.

Time series models

Site-specific approach

An alternative to pooling data together to estimate the seasonal trend and residual autocorrelation is to do so individually for every site.

  • upshot: more flexibility on approaches; can use time series techniques

  • downside: many models \(\longrightarrow\) more total uncertainty

For now we’ll leave the seasonality alone and revise the residual autocorrelation approach.


An autoregressive model of order \(D\) is

\[ X_t = \nu + \alpha_1 X_{t - 1} + \cdots + \alpha_D X_{t - D} + \epsilon_t \]

  • ‘innovations’ \(\epsilon_t\) are \(iid\) with mean zero

  • process mean linear in \(D\) lags

  • \(\mathbb{E}X_t\) and \(\text{var}X_t\) are constant in time (‘weak stationarity’)

Technical asides

About the AR parameters:

  • constraints on \(\alpha_j\)’s needed for a well-defined process in infinite time

  • estimates \(\hat{\alpha}_j\) found by:

    • (moment estimator) solving a recursive system of equations (known as the Yule-Walker equations)

    • (mle) maximum likelihood assuming \(\epsilon_{t} \sim N(0, \sigma^2)\)

Site-specific model

So let’s revise:

\[ \begin{aligned} Y_{i, t} &= f_i (t) + \epsilon_{i, t} \quad\text{(nonlinear regression)} \\ \epsilon_{i, t} &= \sum_{d = 1}^D \alpha_{i,d}\epsilon_{i, t - d} + \xi_{i, t} \quad\text{(AR(D) errors)} \end{aligned} \]


  • seasonal mean \(f_i(t)\) is site-dependent (hence subscript)

  • AR process is site-dependent (hence \(\alpha_{i, d}\) subscript)

  • no elevation included, since it is constant for each site

Fit comparison

fit_ar2 <- arima(y_train, 
      order = c(2, 0, 0), 
      xreg = x_train, 
      include.mean = T, 
      method = 'ML')

tidy(fit_ar2) %>% knitr::kable()
term estimate std.error
ar1 1.5389488 0.0310331
ar2 -0.5872016 0.0310424
intercept 1.7120661 0.2661139
sin1 -57.4478541 4.9296869
cos1 -97.6093126 5.1741646
sin2 9.5264551 4.9135875
cos2 15.0945042 5.0136827
term estimate.pooled
ar1 1.5389488 NA
ar2 -0.5872016 NA
intercept 1.7120661 1.7428057
sin1 -57.4478541 -60.4797059
cos1 -97.6093126 -84.9711125
sin2 9.5264551 7.0360375
cos2 15.0945042 15.0271089
elev NA -0.0038422
elevsin1 NA 0.0094721
elevsin2 NA 0.0063869
elevcos1 NA -0.0627032
elevcos2 NA -0.0032467
residlag NA 0.9804500

Forecast comparison

Next time

Spatial prediction…

  • based on observations

  • based on forecasts