Data science capstone at UCSB

Collaborative research experiences for undergraduates in interdisciplinary data science, computational science, and statistics


2022-2023 Capstone Students

Welcome to the homepage for UC Santa Barbara’s data science capstone.

The capstone aims to provide students with hands-on research training and career development opportunities related to data science. It is equally suitable for students interested in entering the job market as it is for those considering graduate school – we partner with both industry and academic project sponsors to offer research experiences spanning a breadth of application domains.

For participating students, the capstone is a year-long course sequence comprising two distinct portions: a preparatory course in data science topics and collaborative research skills (PSTAT197A/CMPSC190DD, offered fall term) and two experiential learning courses in which students work in teams on interdisciplinary projects sponsored by an external partner and advised by a technical specialist (PSTAT197B-C/CMPSC190DE-DF, offered winter and spring terms). The course sequence culminates with a public showcase of student work.

For participating project sponsors, the program offers opportunities to engage in mentorship, advance research agendas, and establish collaborative partnerships.